Useful resources

Guidance for Tapering

The Ashton Manual offers guidance for withdrawing off benzodiazepines.

This leaflet from the Royal College of Psychiatry in the UK offers guidance for withdrawing off antidepressants.

This paper by Horowitz, Taylor and Murray offers insight into tapering off antipsychotics.

This article gives information about tapering strips used to withdraw from psychiatric medications.


Online Peer Support

Let’s Talk Withdrawal facebook group has over 2000 members interested in withdrawing from psychiatric drugs.

Surviving Antidepressants is a forum for people to discuss their tapering from psychiatric drugs and support each other.

Inner Compass Initiative contains information and a networking platform to find others near to you who are interested in withdrawal.


Suggested reading

Mad in America contains articles and first-person accounts of withdrawal.

Mad in America also includes a review of the withdrawal literature.

The Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs contains helpful ideas about how to support yourself in withdrawal.

Benzodiazepine Information Coalition gives information about benzodiazepine dependence and withdrawal


Guidance for Prescribers

Four research papers I wish my GP had read before prescribing antidepressants‘, British Journal of General Practice

The ‘patient voice’: patients who experience antidepressant withdrawal symptoms are often dismissed, or misdiagnosed with relapse, or a new medical condition’